Minnesota Landforms teach WMS students about springs, sinkholes, streams and valleys.

Minnesota Landforms teach WMS students about springs, sinkholes, streams and valleys.

Winona Middle School students in 8th grade science class explored various geologic locations in Southeastern MN including; Garvin Heights, Mystery Cave, Fountain Springs, Cherry Grove Blind Valley and a local outcrop just south of Homer. Students observed some of the springs, sinkholes, streams, disappearing streams, bluffs and valleys that make up our driftless area. This trip provided the students with a common learning experience centered around our unique karst landforms and the geologic processes involved in shaping our landscape. Students had the opportunity to discover the major characteristics of our landscape, how it formed and why we should be concerned about our groundwater.

The Minnesota Landforms field trip was available to students through grants from the Foundation for Winona Area Public Schools and Winona Middle School PTA. Students enjoy inquiry based learning because they can relate real life experiences back into classroom curriculum. “We provide our students with these common learning experiences so that everyone has the same experiences and observations to build off of, regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic status.  These experiences are the backbone of our inquiry-based approach in our classrooms.” said Mr. Cynor, WMS Science Teacher.