Foundation for WAPS awards more than $3K in grants

Foundation for WAPS awards more than $3K in grants

The Foundation for Winona Area Public Schools awarded a total of $3,168 in grants in November. The grants will support activities that support students providing resources for a mindfulness project at the Winona Area Learning Center, resources to help middle school students with math, and support to help Spanish students at the high school create books for children.

November, 2023 Grants Recap

WAPS Japan Student Ambassadors ($400)

Students to Benefit: 4

Educational Purpose: Since 2003 students from the Winona Area Public Schools, through a rigorous application process have been selected as ambassadors through the Winona International Friendship Association (WIFA) sister city cultural exchange with Masato, Japan.  This year’s international trip is April 16-23, 2024.  Develop friendships, understand global learning and participate as a global citizen are just a few of the unique benefits of this field study.

Spanish 4 Children’s Books for Rios Program and Nicaragua – WSHS ($262.45)

Students to Benefit: 50

Educational Purpose: The project provides an opportunity for Spanish 4 students to create books to donate lending libraries in Nicaraguan schools and to the Rios program at WMS.  Through this project Spanish 4 students at the Winona Senior High School share their knowledge of the Spanish language with others in a beneficial and authentic way.

5th Grade Math WIN Time Resources – WMS ($341.88)

Students to Benefit: 40

Educational Purpose: The overall purpose of these materials is to help individual students during their WIN (What I Need) time to build confidence, math skills and number sense.  This will allow for a better student math performance in their math classes.

WALC Mindfulness Project – WALC ($200.00)

Students to Benefit: 120

Educational Purpose: Many students today need support in mental health management, stress management, coping with trauma, and regulating emotions.  The ALC was awarded the Foundation’s Dare to Dream grant for the creation of a PEACE, CHILL Out room.  The funds will be used to purchase strategies, resources and tools that will support students to change focus, return to calm and promote improved learning and productivity.

Super Sensational Stimulating Spelling Stations – W-K Elementary / Conway ($481.89)

Students to Benefit: 22

Educational Purpose: With the new Structured Literacy curriculum as part of the new READ Act, students will be given the tools and ways to practice their phonics skills on a daily basis.  This will also improve their reading and writing skills.  Students will build, write, practice and read words in a variety of ways beyond just paper and pencil!

Super Sensational Stimulating Spelling Stations – W-K Elementary / Hofer  ($481.89)

Students to Benefit: 22

Educational Purpose: With the new Structured Literacy curriculum as part of the new READ Act, students will be given the tools and ways to practice their phonics skills on a daily basis.  This will also improve their reading and writing skills.  Students will build, write, practice and read words in a variety of ways beyond just paper and pencil!

WALC Gives Back – WALC ($500.00)

Students to Benefit: 100

Educational Purpose: This school wide project will have four locations where WALC students will either volunteer or coordinate care packages. These sites include: St. Anne’s nursing home, Jefferson Elementary School, the Humane Society and our very own WALC. This project based learning opportunity will center around two driving questions:  How can we make our community feel seen and loved? And, how can we promote better relationships in the Winona community?

AVID 12: Subside Summer Slide – WALC ($500.00)

Students to Benefit: 16

Educational Purpose: The goal is to provide a kit of self-directed inquiry tools for eight elementary students with need to utilize over the summer.  Through coaching and mentoring in the Spring of 2024, AVID 12 students will benefit by serving as role models, learning leadership skills, learning about grant writing and finding value in giving back to others.  An elementary child will gain a positive mentor relationship for two days a week learning how to use inquiry tools with their older mentor and getting to take these tools home for independent practice over the summer potentially decreasing passive/screen time.