Foundation announces 'Dare to Dream' winners

Foundation announces 'Dare to Dream' winners

The Foundation for WAPS is pleased to announce two winners of $5,000 “Dare to Dream” grant awards: Steven Gilbertson and Tanya Corcoran. The awards support upgrades to podcasting and media arts equipment at Winona Senior High School.

Each year, the Foundation supports innovation and creativity by offering WAPS employees the opportunity to apply for one $5,000 “Dare to Dream” grant. Applicants don’t need to follow the Foundation’s normal grant guidelines, but the funded project must benefit WAPS students. Thanks to a generous gift from Fastenal, a second “Dare to Dream” grant was awarded this year.

A Social Studies teacher, Gilbertson and the students in his “Current History” 9th–12th Grade elective course record weekly podcasts on topics covered in class, but the task is challenging with only one podcast station available. The addition of two soundproofed stations with upgraded equipment and microphones allows all Social Studies classes the opportunity to podcast, as well as other school departments such as Arts, English, and World Language.

“Podcasting is a medium that most of our world now communicates and listens through,” Gilbertson said. “This grant allows students to work collaboratively and improve their speaking and listening skills while still learning the course content. It makes for a genuine and fun experience with students immersing themselves in a different learning technique.”

Corcoran teaches Art at WSHS, including the “Graphic & Digital Design” 9th–12th Grade elective course. With increased student interest, additional sections were added to accommodate 192 students, but equipment is limited. Adding eight Canon DSLR cameras, 33 subscriptions to the Procreate Dreams app, headphones, backdrops, memory cards, and other miscellaneous equipment allows more students the opportunity to learn and progress digital skills.

“The Graphic & Digital Design students are highly engaged and learn many new skills, some of which may end up being their future career,” Corcoran said. “Popularity of the course continues to increase, especially now that Winona Middle School students have the opportunity to take Media Arts classes. This award offers our students enhanced digital learning.”