AP Spanish Language and Culture

AP Spanish Language and Culture

Winona Senior High School AP Spanish Language and Culture students split into groups to help teach each other about the United States history of Mexican-Americans. The five groups prepared presentations to teach the class about the influences of the Aztec empire, development of Southwestern states, guest worker (Braceros) program, the civil rights movement of the 1960s and present challenges and contributions made by Mexican-Americans. In this course, students study the history, culture, and politics of Spanish speaking countries. Each group had a different historical topic so the other students were able to learn from all the presentations. Students spoke exclusively in Spanish during the presentations and used pictures to better illustrate the various topics and vocabulary.

The collaboration of working in groups helps students practice their Spanish language skills. Ms. Anne Simon stated, “I tell my students that in order to be able to speak Spanish, they have to practice and actually speak.  It’s like learning to play an instrument or to play a sport. You can read about it and know how to play, but until you pick up the instrument and play it, or practice your skill, you won’t be able to do it.” While preparing for the presentations, each group talked to one another in Spanish. Getting students to be more comfortable with the Spanish language and prepare for college entrance exams is a goal of this course. This immersive environment helps students advance their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Students in photo are Emma Bucknam (11th grade), Ethan Olson (12th grade), and Cade Ferstl (11th grade)