We need your help! Please update your student's information in Infinite Campus

We need your help! Please update your student's information in Infinite Campus
Update OLR Information

Hello WAPS families, 

We need your help. 

Every summer, we ask families to complete an annual update to make sure we have the latest information for transportation needs, medical information and more. 

To complete the annual update: 

  • Sign into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
  • Click on "More" on the left-hand side of the screen, then click on the link called "2024 2025 Annual Stu Info Update"
  • Enter Required Information (red * will show if field is required) on each screen, clicking 'Next' and/or 'Save/Continue' as you continue through the screens.
  • When completed make sure you click "Submit" to submit your application.

You will need a desktop or laptop computer to complete the annual update. If you prefer to complete the update over the phone, please call Jami Spitzer at 507-494-0870

If you have trouble accessing your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account, you can email portal.help@winona.k12.mn.us.

Thank you, 

Winona Area Public Schools